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Saturday, June 8, 2019

Post #101 Theory of Relativity is all about FORCE and its interaction with ENERGY and MASS.

When you travel faster through SPACE, you travel slower through TIME. When you travel slower through SPACE, you travel faster through TIME. That's RELATIVITY.
Previously I said Relativity is all about FORCE and its interaction with ENERGY and MASS.
Let's see whether the above definition of RELATIVITY has any relation with FORCE, ENERGY and MASS.
Travelling faster or slower through SPACETIME depends on FORCE applied by the object, it's ENERGY and MASS. TIME moving slower or faster depends on the effects of FORCE, ENERGY and MASS on the object and the surroundings. Here 4 fundamental FORCEs and its interaction with ENERGY and MASS related to the case. You don't need a concept called RELATIVITY, anything can be explained using 4 FORCEs and its interaction with ENERGY and MASS.

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