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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Post #106 Forces and its interaction with Mass and Energy

I would say with conviction that Theory of Relativity and the phenomenons it explains are simply about the 4 fundamental FORCEs and its effect on ENERGY and MASS. But Albert Einstein completely ignored strong force and weak force( newly discovered forces at that time ) and Theory of Relativity was built without taking the effects of these 2 FORCEs. This clearly has effects on Relativity as it made things very complex, while those phenomenons could have been easily explained by 4 FORCEs and its effect on ENERGY and MASS. For example : the phenomenon of length contraction is due to the effect of 4 FORCEs on ENERGY and MASS on the respective flying object, its body and components and the surroundings in which its flying or the planet or the space. If the flying object is made of metal, it's body will contract according its properties, which are determined by the 3 fundamental forces and the gravitational force of the respective atmosphere. Here speed of the vehicle is determined by ENERGY and MASS along with FORCE also. If the flying object is made of wood, length contraction differs as flying body has different composition of materials which are determined by the 3 fundamental forces and the gravity of the atmosphere.Speed of the vehicle also determined by FORCE, ENERGY, MASS of fuel and the push and pull created inside engine, atmosphere etc. If the flying object is made of diamond, length contraction differs according to the diamond's composition which is being determined by the 3 forces again and the gravity of the atmosphere. Speed of the vehicle also determined by FORCE, ENERGY, MASS of fuel and the push and pull created inside engine, atmosphere etc. It has very little to do with RELATIVITY.

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