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Monday, May 18, 2020

Post #126 Everything is energy. Can we bridge Ancient Knowledge and Modern Science ?

The reason why modern humans live a mechanical life is that he lives disconnected from nature. To connect with anything, we have to be aware of it.Thats why we need ancient knowledge. So, it will be a simple way to be a genius if we could grasp ancient knowledge and modern science. What we know about both from the sources available to us ? But we always feel confused hearing bits of knowledge from both sides as they are two different things. But what if it is both the sides of a same coin, but we are just unaware of the connection that makes the two sides,ancient knowledge and modern science into a single coin ? That's what is actually meant by EVERYTHING IS ENERGY and ALL THINGS ARE CONNECTED. Those things which bridge the mysterious gap between ancient knowledge and modern science are Synonyms, Symbology, Scientology, Sign language, Poems etc. If we meditate and think about these things we will start to get the connection between ancient knowledge and modern science, then it's the start to becoming a genius.

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