Energy flow is taken as the 3rd factor to work on to solve our problems. So question arises, what is energy?Is energy flow important!!?? Because we dont even see it in most cases.---But Science shows everything is made up of energy. Even vaccum is not empty. But it is filled with energy. Einstein said matter is an illusion. Energy is the building block of matter. The same energy that composes your flesh is the same one that composes the makings of an ant or
the trees outside. We are all made up of same stuff.Even our thoughts are a form of energy.It is constantly flowing, changing form all the time, permeating everything. Everything in this universe is made up of energy. It is just present in different forms or shapes. If we analyse subatomic level, scientists have shown us through quantum physics that everything at this level is pure energy. Energy adds up with matter to give us physical world. Hence humans are pure energy. Everything in this universe is made up of energy including ourselves. From spiritual point of view, we are deathless souls with a physical body- a particle of the divine. So what we do all our life is using energy and transform to another form in whatever thing we do. If we just give a plain look, we are mostly dealing with
matter or physical things. But all that is energy basically. Energy exists in different forms like Physical energy, Cosmic energy, Spiritual energy etc.We give importance to some energy flow methods like Vaastu, Feng Shui, Reiki, Tai Chi, Meditation etc in various aspects of life. These methods straighten the energy flow which is disrupted due to some reasons and give a positive change in our body,surroundings and life.Prayers are a form of energy.As the size of physical things in the case goes bigger,influence of the energy flow in the result becomes obvious.One can easily attain result without giving importance to energy flow by just giving importance to plain workable conditions of physical and non-physical things related to the problem.Physical and non-physical things are still workable without straightening energy flow related to it. But results will not be optimum without positive energy flow and also negative energy will prevail in problem solver's life,which is never good. Positive energy flow also helps to bring consistency because it brings in fresh mind and positive approach.We are part of the energy flow of the universe and because of that connection we should consider its effects that can affect our life.