Albert Einsein said the distinction beween the past, the present and the future is an illusion citing several examples from far away galaxies to the present moment here. He is there talking like there is a Universal time. He also said time is relative in his theories. So, he can't say events at galaxies in relation to events now at somewhere else. Einstein also said we see events happening at far away stars in the present are from the past as light from those stars takes time to reach us to give vision. As time has local emergence and is relative, how can we say past, present and future on a Universal scale ? So, Einstein wronged himself. I would say distinction between past, present and future are real. Stars far away has its own past, present and future. We, here at earth have our own past, present and future. Einstein said distinction between past, present and future is illusion by taking TIME at far away galaxy and here on earth as a common TIME.But he also said TIME is relative and local emerging or there is no such thing as Universal TIME. So, clearly he contradicted himself. So, TIME is not an illusion. There is clear distinction between past, present and future.